Friday, 17 March 2017

EXP 1 | Week 2 Studio Work: Stair Concept Sketches

Using the Scheme developed you developed in Sketchup design two sets of stairs; one that goes from from the above ground studio down to the showroom space and a second that comes from the below ground studio up to the showroom space.

Represent each stair with atleast two sections. Keep all notes, details and sections relating to each stair on one pair of facing pages.

In consultation with your tutor take another one of your tutor take another one of the sections created in your first studio session and design two sets of stairs for that scheme. Represent each of these new stairs with atleast two sections.

Issey Miyake: Square Platform Corner Staircase

Magnus Walker: Fluid Dogleg Staircase
Issey Miyake: Abstract Geometric Staircase
Magnus Walker: Ovuloid Staircase

EXP 1 | Week 1 Independent Study: Sketchup modelling

Take two of the sections created in class and develop it in 3 dimensions using Sketchup. Save images from your sketchup model and upload them along with the page from your sketchbook that you based it on. Include the two words that the architecture responds to as a caption to the images and confirm your material selection.

Concept 1

Geometry, Adventure

Perspective View
Side Elevation
Front Elevation
Front Section


Issey Miyake: Wooden framing, polyester fibre fabric 'soft walls'.
Concept: Perfect Geometry, Light and Shadow (In-Ei).

Magnus Walker: Reinforces concrete base, Glass roof, Iron-Carbon Alloy rim feature.
Concept: The Wheel, Urban Landscape.

Concept 2

Adventure, Ephemeral

Front Section
Left Elevation
Right Elevation
Perspective View


Issey Miyake: Mirror finish on exterior, Steel interior.
Concept: Flowy forms.

Magnus Walker: Reinforced Concrete Structure topped with fibreglass dome.
Concept: The dome representing the world around us. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

EXP 1 | Week 1 Studio Work: 18 Concept Sketches

Draw a series of 9 sections exploring the relationship between two of the projects you chose and the ground line as a datum. Use a range of carefully hatched lines to signify where the section cuts through solid material and to indicate what that material might be. Ensure that the material surrounding the architecture below ground level is shown as solid.